VTE team would like to thank these following people / groups who helped:
^ Type ^ Name ^ | Aircrafts | VTE, Footmunch, Col. Klink, EricRed, McCancey/BWMod, Badscull, sfc.itzhak, Aplion. | | Config | Killswitch, Sickboy, lwlooz | | MP missions | horror, ]NTRUDER | | MP testing | Nebelwerfer, Supergrunt, lwlooz, horror, Elena, Norailgunner | | Objects | VTE, Thone2000, Linker Split. | | Scripts | granQ, Killswitch, T Rex. | | Ships | Hawk. | | Soldiers | VTE, Ebud, CWR, Agamoth. | | Sounds | VTE, Robert Hammer (helicopters). | | Terrains | VTE. | | Textures | The-Architect, Rellikki, Fox'09. | | UI images | Hanky, Sgt Elias, Engen. | | Vehicles | CSLA (maaz), AKM74, Torni, Remo, Vilas, zerq63, itim_tuko, sfc.itzhak, Banana, Badscull, Superrat. | | Weapons | VTE, Vilas, Skaven (CS imports), JAM2, Badscull, Banana, LoBo, Robert Hammer, Millenia, Skelig. |
Private testing team (previous): Rellikki, Zipper5, lwlooz, Militantsausage, horror, Devil Dogs SF, hogwash, The Masta, ]NTRUDER, mimc, Profanwolf, Supergrunt, ECV56_FOXONE, Col., TrueApothecary, Hund, Nebelwerfer, blackuscatus, Dondero.
Private testing team v1.5: Elena, JW Custom, Norailgunner, Supergrunt, Sgt. Elias Pinto, Skelig.
Greetings: Elena.
If your name was left out from this list, get in touch with us in PMC Forums and it will be added.
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