143km x 143km with 71,680 x 71,680 resolution satellite image from ArcGIS world imagery (2 meters / pixel).
Heightmap grid size: 4096 x 4096
Cell size: 35m
Satellite texture resolution: 71,680 x 71,680 pixels
Satellite surface mask size: 1024 x 1024 pixels
Texture layer size: 140m x 140m
--- v0.1 - initial release --- v0.1.1 - airfield elevations leveled - location names added - openstreetmap road shapefile fixed. - airfield temporary runway texture added (also in mapview) - srtm 0m or below water depths fixed to 0.25m (actual ground) --- v0.1.2 - ocean depths -5m to -50m fixed - water creeping through land fixed --- v0.2 - 3,622,137 vegetation objects added
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